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Selectmen's Minutes 2012/11/05
6:30 PM Town Office Meeting Room
Monday, November 5, 2012

Present: Fred Gallup Chairman, Emma Smith Vice Chairman, Shane Hastings, Joshua Trow, Suzanne Gottling and Donna Nashawaty, Town Manager

Also Present: See attached sign-in sheet

Chairman Gallup opened the meeting at 6:30PM

Motion to approve the following CZC’s:
Parcel ID: 0120-0015-0000, 7 Scotts Cove Rd. Robert Cavicchio
Parcel ID: 0148-0041-0000, 55 Chandler Ross & Joanne Stinson
Parcel ID: 0133-0116-0000, 18 Maple St. Isabel Torno
Parcel ID: 0136-0058-0000, 50 Birch Point Rd. Robert & Judith Bonanno
Parcel ID: 0138-0044-0000, 10 Stagecoach Lane James Lalla
By Selectman Gottling, seconded by Selectman Smith. All in Favor
Motion to approve the following Land Disturbance:
Parcel ID: 0136-0058-0000, 50 Birch Point Rd. Robert & Judith Bonanno
Parcel ID: 0148-0041-0000, 55 Chander Ross & Joanne Stinson
By Selectman Trow, seconded by Selectman Hastings. All in Favor
Motion to approve the following Driveway Permit:
Parcel ID: 0118-0062-0000, 46 Burma Rd. Robin Saunders
By Selectman Gottling, seconded by Selectman Smith. All in Favor
Motion to approve the following Yield Tax:
Parcel ID: 0218-0034-0000, 57 Hilltop Mark & Rhonda Gurney
By Selectman Trow, seconded by Selectman Gottling. All in Favor

Harbor House Livery Committee
Chairman Gallup stated that no one showed up from the committee. Donna Nashawaty said that according to their October 9th minutes, the Harbor House Livery committee made a motion to request the Board of Selectmen to expenditure of funds to put in four (4) electrical outlets, an emergency light and exit sign, but had no dollar amount.

Steve White-Trustee of the Trust Funds
Steve White recapped the last year’s activity with the Trustees of the Trust Fund and said he would be willing to help guide the new members regarding the duties of the committee, but if there are three (3) new members Mr. White would like to resign at the first of the year. Chairman Gallup said the discussion would be tabled until the committee comes up with their dollar amounts.  

Public Comments
Peter Urbach stated that the library selected an Architect several months ago. The Trustees have been working on a contract, which Peter Urbach had hoped to bring tonight for the Board of Selectmen’s final signature, there are two (2) issues that the Town Attorney and the Architect have not yet agreed. Peter Urbach went on to say that, there is some degree of urgency to get a signed contract because the trustees need a guaranteed maximum price to know what the exercise is going to cost before a warrant article can be prepared. Peter Urbach is hoping to get the two (2) issues resolved within the next few days and get a contract for the Selectmen’s signature. Donna Nashawaty and Peter Urbach will work with the Town Attorney and the Architect to have a contact ready for the Board of Selectmen to sign at a special meeting that will be held on Tuesday, November 13th at 8:00am.

Selectmen Action
•Motion to authorize the SMHS Art Club to hold a bake sale at the Sunapee Harbor Magic Event by Selectman Smith, seconded by Selectman Hasting. All in Favor.
•Motion to authorize the SMHS French Club to hold a bake sale at the Sunapee Harbor Magic Event by Selectman Gottling, seconded by Selectman Trow. All in Favor.
•Chairman Gallup read into the record the resignation letter from John Mapley, Trustee of the Trust Funds. Chairman Gallup asked the Town Manager to send a note to John Mapley thanking him for his service to the Town.
•Chairman Gallup read the volunteer forms from the two (2) Trustees of the Trust Fund Candidates. Donna Nashawaty stated that there were six (6) possible candidates, but only two (2) have submitted a volunteer form. The Board would like the Trustee of the Trust Fund Candidates to come to the November 19th Board of Selectman meeting to meet the Board.
•The Board reviewed the noise ordinance and made the following changes;
•changed morning time to 6:30am,
•combined sections 3 and 4,
•add bullets to section V.
The Board will review the final draft at the November 19th Board of Selectmen’s meeting.
•Motion to implement the winter parking restrictions in accordance with Town Ordinance, Section 1:5.B.1, & 1:5.B.2 by Selectman Gottling, seconded by Selectman Hastings. All in Favor.  

Town Manager Report
•Donna Nashawaty gave an update on the brush pile; Tom Bennett, Transfer Station Foreman reported that United would accept brush and residents could take it directly to the United pit at a cost of approximately $10-$12 for a pick-up truckload.   

•The Board went over the following items questioned on the Budget Fact Sheet;
        Fire Department Capital Reserve Fund
Fire Department pay-adjustment to point system
Entertain fixing gazebo roof out of town buildings fund
        Paving Plan concept warrant article
        New London Ambulance contract
Meeting adjourned at 9:15PM
Barbara Vaughn
Administrative Assistant                                

____________________                            ______________________
Frederick Gallup, Chairman              Emma Smith, Vice Chairman               

_________________________               _____________________________
Shane Hastings                          Suzanne H. Gottling

Joshua Trow